Saturday, January 8, 2011

Trust God in Your Life

What do you want to be when you grow up?
What will your wedding dress look like?
Where do you want to live?
How many kids do you want?
How old do you want to be when you get married?
Where do you want to attend college?
How will I support my family next month?

Does this look familiar?

Since a very young age, we have all been asked similar questions like these. Looking into the future can be a very healthy, but it is also obsessive.

            Dreaming about your future when you are in elementary school can be fun and it allows creativity to flow throughout your mind.

            But, Looking at yearly salaries when you are in middle school is over the top.

            Thinking about marriage and the perfect wedding is every young girls dream!

            However, deciding the exact qualities you want in a spouse, including hair and eye color is absurd.

So, where is the line between being healthy and obsessive??

It depends on your level of trust in our Lord and Savior. Do you have complete 100% in God for everything in your life? It’s a lot easier said than done. Have you ever had a back up plan… just in case the GOD OF ALL CREATION doesn’t come through for us?

Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart
 and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways submit to him,
 and he will make your paths straight.”

There are several verses in the Bible that are commonly memorized and recited among Christians. This is one of those verses that most people are familiar with, almost too familiar. Christians, including myself, have a tendency to read through this verse very quickly because we already know it, but do we really understand it and take it to heart?
We need to trust in the LORD with ALL our heart and lean NOT on our own understanding. If God called you to go to South Africa for missions, would you trust Him all the way and know it would glorify Him or would you start thinking about how if you went to South Africa, you wouldn’t know how you would get financial aid so it might be a better idea to stay where you are, in a comfortable atmosphere.

Here’s a more common example… One day you were talking with your friend over lunch and during lunch, God gives you an amazing opportunity to share the Gospel with that friend. Would you take that opportunity and trust in God completely because you know that He will give you the words to say, or would you start thinking about how your friend might judge you for your faith and maybe you might even lose your friend? Would you disobey God and lean on your own understanding?

“In all your ways submit to him,
 and he will make your paths straight.”

Definition of Submit: To give over to the power or authority of another.

In all your ways, give over everything to God! Surrender your life entirely to Him alone, and HE will make your paths straight! That is such a comforting promise. That does not mean our paths will be easy, but our paths will be headed in the right direction, with God at our side!

Do not worry about tomorrow (Matthew 6:34), and worship God today. Focus on growing in your relationship with Him each and every day! Learn who God really is, and take it to heart. Meditate on His word day and night, so that you can trust Him with your life!